Sisters duo Reena and Ruchi understood their love for fashion, design, and crafts to birth a brand that focuses on prioritizing comfort while enhancing the essence that a fabric carries. Accompanying the diverse range of silhouettes are unique prints that are developed in-house by skilled artisans and designers.
In Rajasthani dialect, "Baise" meaning outfit and "Gaba" representing clothes, the brand talks about every occasion where clothes have been an integral part of a woman's ensemble.
At Baise Gaba, we represent sustainability while working on our designs and patterns to fulfill all fashion wishes. Our process starts with experimenting new and different techniques while playing with the colour palette for all occasions. Comfort being our focus, the designs are developed as perfect casual and light attire to be worn all day long.
Traveling to deeper corners of India, we aim to fill wardrobes with artful pieces. Inspired by places, cultures, nature, history, and fashion, Baise Gaba promises to elicit a smile from all our customers.
Never stop, never quit; our motto allows us to wake up every morning and face obstacles with our heads held high.
Wearing our hearts on our sleeves, we bring out the best in us for the best of you.